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- Men
- Allen, Norman Alexander
- Allen, Joseph Cletus
- Anderson, Adolf Willard
- Apps, Geoffrey Frank Rowe
- Armstrong, Douglas Wilson
- Arney, Horace Montague Beck
- Aucoin, Jr., Whitney Philip
- Badmington, Edward Price
- Baird, Gordon Douglas Russell
- Barnes, Roland Roy
- Barnett, Joseph Roy
- Barrett, John Hamilton
- Barrett, Robert Oliver
- Bateman, John Haythornthwaite
- Bates, Michael Joseph
- Baum, Hyman
- Baxter, George Alexander Garden
- Beattie, Harry Cameron
- Beeching, Charles Franklin
- Bell, Raymond Melvin
- Bernstein, Paul Cleveland
- Bevan, Douglas Oliver
- Bill, Victor Edward
- Birkett, John Evelyn Wreford
- Blesky, Michael Harris
- Bliss, Jack Fenton
- Boalch, Frederick Ernest
- Bodell, Edwin John
- Bond, John Basil
- Booth, Arthur Roland
- Boothe, John Gordon
- Borum, John
- Bosloy, Philip
- Bouch, Robert Leonard
- Bough, Roy Edward
- Bowman, Bliss Eugene Strader
- Boyd, George Daniel
- Boyer, Jack Sinclair
- Bray, Eric William
- Bricker, Gordon Charles
- Britland, Lionel Poston
- Brooks, Lloyd William
- Brown, Robert George
- Brown, Robert Henry
- Bruce, Robert Emerson
- Bryant, James Roy
- Buchanan, David
- Burchell, Robert Lloyd
- Burley, Lloyd Ernest
- Butler, George Edwin Charles
- Byers, Alan Gordon
- Callaghan, Keith Baines
- Campbell, Archibald Burton
- Cannon, David Armstrong
- Carefoot, Herbert Reginald
- Carey, Albert Moore
- Carter, Henry Hamilton
- Chabot, Leonard Joseph Reynold
- Chapman, Arthur
- Charles, James Wyreman
- Chatson, Raymond
- Chevrier, Joseph Armand Jacques
- Child, Colin Gartrell
- Clarke, Russell
- Clarke, Donald
- Clipsham, Archibald
- Cloutier, Albert Edward
- Clow, Charles Bernard Everett
- Cochran, Robert Hearne
- Conlon, Sidney James
- Conroy, Charles Ewart
- Cook, Benjamin
- Cormack, Douglas Waitt Whitehurst
- Cornell, John Luther
- Coulson, Fred George
- Cowan, John Joseph Henry
- Cox, Everard Thomas
- Craig, John Robert William
- Cram, Mervyn
- Crosson, Victor Gilbert
- Daschuk, Billy
- Davidson, Robert William
- Davidson, William Gordon
- Davies, Garnett Arthur
- Davies, John Robert
- Davies, William Edward
- Day, Louis Oswald
- Dean, Stanley
- Desbiens, Joseph Georges Hector
- Desmarais, Benoit
- Dezall, Raymond Purdy
- Dickson, Cecil Alexander
- Dion, Walter Leon
- Doan, James Edgarton
- Donald, Thomas Brown
- Doner, Archibald Donald
- Donkersley, Harry Woodward
- Doran, James John Pierre Hector
- Drouillard, Roy
- Drury, Norman Patrick
- Duffy, Jack
- Eaton, Walter Ronald
- Engemoen, Donald Eugene
- Epstein, Mandel Max
- Fairbairn, Stanley Frasier
- Feil, Edward George
- Feldman, Leonard Harold
- Fenton, George
- Fernie, John Robert Bruce
- Field, Charles William Thomas
- Fife, Benjamin
- Findlater, John
- Finn, Martin WIllard
- Flaherty, James Gerard
- Flood, George Andrew
- Foreman, John Leslie
- Forster, William Frederick
- Forth, Roy Kitchener
- Foster, Milton Arnoldi
- France, Albert
- Fraser, Harold Seymour Thomas
- Frost, Harry Haig
- Frye, Hibbert Douglas
- Gartley, Earl Payson
- Geddes, Robert Slessor
- Gedelian, Megerditch
- George, Alan Baldwin
- Gibson, Frank
- Gibson, Joseph Wilson
- Gillatt, William Herbert
- Gillis, John Archibald
- Gillis, Francis Duncan
- Gilmour, Joseph Orr
- Glover, Donald Cameron
- Glover, Charles Gordon
- Goodman, Brynjolfur 'Benny' Baldwin
- Gordon, Hugh Lockart
- Grant, John Dickson
- Grant, Walter Robert
- Grant, John Robert Weldon
- Gregory, Francis Brooke Pickard
- Guinter, Howard Watson
- Hackett, James Alfred
- Haddow, Alexander Broom
- Halamka, Arthur Francis
- Hall, Grant Leroy
- Halperin, William Lionel
- Harber, William George David
- Harding, Clifford
- Harju, Sulo Matt
- Heal, Leslie Earl
- Healey, Henry
- Hearfield, Jack Douglas
- Heeney, Cecil George
- Herman, Donald Lawrence
- Hetherington, John
- Hilchie, Ralph Howard
- Hillcoat, Horace Brougham
- Hodge, Edward Russ
- Hogan, Deryck
- Holt, Charles Roy
- Hope, Donald William
- Hope, Kenneth Earl
- Horn, Lawrence
- Horsley, Reginald Carl
- Horton, Ian McLane
- Horton, Arthur John
- Horton, James Andrew
- Howse, William Palmer
- Hurley, Andrew Joseph
- Hyde, Henry John
- Hrysko, William
- Ireland, Earl Clifford
- Irving, James Edward
- Jackson, Donald
- Jardine, Robert
- Jenkins, James Parsloe
- Johnson, Wilfred
- Johnson, Merle
- Johnson, Trask O'Neil
- Johnson, James McLean
- Johnson, Norman Marshall
- Johnston, Clarence Arthur
- Jones, Douglas Jackson
- Jones, Archie Walker
- Judiesch, Thomas Clarence
- Kelly, James Francis
- Keys, Frederick
- Kidd, Terence
- Kilsby, Albert Charles
- Kirchin, Clarence 'Bud' Gordon
- Kiteley, Raymond
- Knowles, David McGillivray
- Knowles, George William
- Koepke, John Barth
- La Brish, Frederick Blair
- Lagimodiere, Donald Roderick
- Lalor, Fintan Howard
- Lamont, Douglas Peter
- Lance, William Ronald
- Leece, Herbert
- Legge, Lionel Edgar
- Legon, John Sydney
- Light, Alan Scott
- Logan, Carl Edgar
- Lowe, Harry Alexander
- Lowney, Joseph Patrick
- Lowther, Robert Flemming
- Lucier, Marwood Francis
- Lynam, Francis 'Frank' William Joseph
- MacDonald, Ernest Mills
- MacDonald, Alan Stuart
- MacDougall, Donald Clark
- MacLellan, Donald Angus
- MacLeod, John Leslie
- MacNeill, William Murray
- Macdonald, Iain Alasdair
- Macdonald, Ian Alexander
- Mahoney, John Ambrose
- Maki, Harry Arthur
- Manson, Harald Magnus
- Martello, Robert Joseph
- Martin, James Temple Blackwood
- Martin, Laurence George
- Martin, John Joseph Bernard
- Martin, Herbert James
- Maxon, Gunnlaugur Marino
- Mayhew, Vernon Earle
- McArthur, James Brewer
- McBride, Harold Ferguson
- McCarron, Charles Michael
- McCarry, James Joseph
- McCarty, Warren Roberts
- McCloskey, Richard Scott
- McColman, James Murray
- McConkey, Frederick William
- McDonald, Joffre Kitchener
- McDowell, John Nelson
- McDowell, William Lloyd
- McFadyen, Gilbert Campbell
- McFall, Elwood Wallace
- McFarlane, Jack Campbell
- McGimsie, Bruce Reginald
- McGovern, Patrick Joseph
- McGregor, Bruce Walter
- McIntosh, John 'Scotty'
- McLean, John Charles
- McLean, James Robert
- McLeod, George
- McMichael, Edward Kitchener
- McNicholl, William Eugene
- McPherson, John Roderick
- Meehan, Robert Paul
- Middleton, Charles Govan
- Miller, Kenneth Norman
- Mills, Eric John
- Mitchell, Dow Lester
- Mitchell, William Ernest
- Mitchell, James Lee
- Molyneux, William Hugh
- Montgomery, Alexander Rentoul
- Moon, John Earl
- Moon, Edwin Stanley
- Moore, David Wayne
- Moore, James Edward
- Morgan, Alexander McDonald
- Mosser, Robert William
- Mosser, Andrew
- Moyer, John Ernest
- Moynagh, Ambrose Joseph
- Murphy, Daniel Joseph
- Murray, Leo James
- Murray, Jack
- Nash, Robert Leslie
- Newman, John William
- Nolan, Walter Francis James
- Northgrave, John Milne
- Nutter, John Vincent
- O'Connell, Howard Ferguson
- O'Connell, Robert Emmett
- O'Neill, Maurice Francis
- Oakenfold, Harold Frederick
- Ogren, Carl Eric
- Oiring, Morris Nathan
- Oldford, Leslie
- Oldham, Harold Wilson
- Ollis, Reginald Keith
- Olsen, Philip
- Onuski, Maurice Daniel
- Ouellette, Joseph Edmond
- Ovens, John Allen
- Palmer, Gerald Searing
- Palmer, Brinsley George Henry
- Paquin, Joseph Alphonse Camille Adelard
- Parker, Frederick James
- Parker, George William
- Patenaude, Joseph Roger Marcel
- Patterson, George Fredrick
- Patterson, Roy Holden Marshall
- Pawlowski, Michael
- Pearson, Arthur Henry
- Pease, Malvern James
- Phillips, Harold Edwin
- Physick, Francis Gerald
- Pidduck, George William
- Piercy, Howard Shurvin
- Polec, Tadeusz Ludwig
- Poole, Joseph Basil
- Popovich, Nicholas Maxwell
- Porter, Frank Ferrier
- Preston, William George
- Prete, Louis Joseph
- Procter, Richard Campbell
- Pullar, William Stewart
- Quigley, Edward Gerald
- Ramsay, George Balfour Nicol
- Raper, Kenneth William
- Redmond, Joseph Coates
- Rennie, David Alexander
- Reynolds, Douglas Glen
- Reynolds, Harold Charles Beresford
- Ritchie, Thomas James
- Robertson, Ian
- Robertson, Murray Thomas
- Robertson, Arthur Gold
- Robinson, Irwin E. S.
- Robinson, Lewis Gerald
- Rombough, John Noble
- Ross, Charles Murray
- Rourke, Clyde Burton
- Roy, Jean-Baptiste Normand
- Runte, Albert William
- Rutledge, Alfred
- Ruttledge, Alfred John D.
- Sabourin, James Noah
- Sawyer, Charles Gordon
- Scarth, Arthur
- Schaefer, Kenneth George
- Schafer, Gordon Wellsley
- Schell, Leonard Francis
- Scholey, Charles Leonard
- Scott, William Alfred Dean
- Seaker, Ronald Arthur
- Selig, John Douglas
- Sentell, Walter
- Sharpe, Douglas Haig
- Shaw, Raymond Edward
- Sherlock, Clarence James
- Simon, Edward David
- Simpkins, Frank
- Simpson, Ernest Little
- Skidmore, James William Paul
- Skilleter, John Albert William
- Slabick, John Joseph
- Slack, Warren Oliver
- Slater, Jonathan Charles
- Sloan, Patrick Ernest
- Smith, John Moody
- Smith, William Francis
- Smith, Joseph 'John' Sidney Roch
- Snow, William Field Crichton
- Soeder, Glen Andrew
- Sowerby, Ernest
- Spence, Douglas James
- Sperling, John Paul
- Staples, Alonzo Irvine
- Stapleton, Douglas Leslie
- Starr, Perry Raymond
- Stead, George Thornton
- Stewart, Maxwell MacLean
- Stewart, George Albert
- Stiles, Frederick John
- Stinson, William Lorne
- Streisel, George Simon
- Styles, Gerald Raymond
- Summerwill, John Leslie
- Szportan, Walter
- Teasdale, Harry Leo
- Thistle, Edward Allan
- Thompson, Leonard Gregory
- Thompson, Edward Blake
- Thomson, Ross Corrie
- Thomson, John Alexander
- Thomson, Thomas Davidson
- Thurlow, Walter Jesse
- Tibbett, Floyd Joseph
- Todd, Eric Douglas
- Tompkins, George William
- Toner, William 'Joseph'
- Treadwell, John Nathan
- Triplett, Leslie Edward
- Trudel, Joseph Romeo Trudel
- Tull, Lloyd Henry
- Turnbull, William McIldowie
- Tyler, Richard 'John'
- Ursel, Clifford Bernard
- Vallance, John 'Jack'
- Van Allen, Austin Newton
- Vollhoffer, Titus
- Walker, Edward George Charles
- Walker, James Arthur
- Wallace, Thomas
- Walterhouse, James Francis
- Ward, Gordon
- Warman, John Henry
- Warren, Joseph Howard
- Warwick, Murray Alfred
- Waton, Alvin Bernard
- Watson, Raymond
- Welsh, John
- Westphal, John Lorne
- Wheeler, Charles Torgeson
- Whelan, John Edward
- White, Albert Stanford
- Whitlock, Harold Brand
- Wilkins, Robert Archie
- Willett, Gilbert Fowler
- Wills, Harold Alexander
- Wilson, William Laurel
- Wilson, William Bruce
- Wood, John Walter
- Woodman, Henry
- Woods, Kenneth Beverley
- Wortley, Douglas Buchanan
- Wright, Charles Ernest
- Wright, Sydney Henry Arthur
- Wylie, Richard Brock
- Young, John Maitland
- Young, Alan Wilmot
- Yurkowski, Joseph Stanley
- Zoephel, Peter Charles
- Women
Aired Thurs Aug 12, 2021
History Hack with Matt Bone
- Aircraft
- Anson 7582
- Anson 6739
- Anson 10243
- Anson 6831
- Anson R3431
- Anson 11659
- Anson AX426
- Anson AX168
- Anson 11600
- Anson 9818
- Baltimore FA330
- Beechcraft BH100
- Bolingbroke 9031
- Bolingbroke 10015 and 10084
- Bolingbroke 9196
- Bolingbroke 9007
- Bolingbroke 9096
- Bolingbroke 9114
- Bolingbroke 9072
- Boston BZ 272
- Boston BZ238
- Boston BZ593
- Bristol Bolingbroke 9084
- Canso 9773
- Canso "A" 9834
- Canso 11017
- Blesky, Michael Harris
- Butler, George Edwin Charles
- Feil, Edward George
- Gartley, Earl Payson
- George, Alan Baldwin
- Lynam, Francis 'Frank' William Joseph
- Patterson, George Fredrick
- Thomson, Ross Corrie
- Welsh, John
- Westphal, John Lorne
- Canso 9781
- Canso 11086
- Canso 9701
- Catalina FP309
- Catalina FP209
- Catalina Z2140
- Catalina Z2139
- Catalina Z2140
- Catalina FP266
- Crane 8016
- Dakota KG446
- Dakota FZ632
- Dakota KN409
- Northrop Delta 682
- Northop Delta 673
- Northrop Delta 670
- Digby 744
- Fairey Battle 2022
- Fortress 9203
- Goose 925
- Goose 917
- Hampden AJ993
- Hampden P1200
- Hampden P5433
- Harvard 2891
- Harvard 2616
- Hudson BW449
- Hudson V9125
- Hudson FH269
- Hudson FH463
- Hudson AM902
- Hudson FH233
- Hudson FK 547
- Hudson BW 454
- Hudson BW382
- Hudson BW634
- Hudson FK443
- Hudson BW 646
- Hudson AM729
- Hudson BW 703
- Hudson AM765
- Hudson 760
- Hudson 685
- Hudson FK468
- Hudson BW631
- Hudson AE545
- Hudson 593
- Hudson FK409
- Hudson AM773
- Hudson BW700
- Hudson AM940
- Hudson FK541
- Hurricane 5410
- Hurricane 5381
- Hurricane 5492
- Kittyhawk 833
- Kittyhawk 1099
- Kittyhawk AL166
- Kittyhawk AK915
- Kittyhawk 1059
- Kittyhawk 835
- Kittyhawk 1090
- Kittyhawk 1039
- Kittyhawk AL210
- Lancaster KB703
- Liberator JT982
- Liberator 595
- Liberator 41-11708
- Liberator BZ759
- Liberator 1119
- Liberator 589
- Liberator AL504
- Liberator 11121
- Bennett, Pamela Gladys
- Johnson, Nora
- Mann, Margaret
- Crosson, Victor Gilbert
- Davies, William Edward
- Hope, Donald William
- Hrysko, William
- Johnson, Norman Marshall
- Kiteley, Raymond
- Lowe, Harry Alexander
- Martello, Robert Joseph
- Popovich, Nicholas Maxwell
- Tull, Lloyd Henry
- Liberator 3715
- Lysander 466
- Lysander 459
- Lysander 2332
- Marauder FK119
- Marauder FB454
- Marauder HD664
- Mitchell FW138
- Mitchell FR382
- Mitchell HD532
- Mitchell FR376
- Mitchell FL184
- Mitchell FR148
- Mitchell FR376
- Mitchell KJ751
- Mitchell FV990
- Mitchell 894
- Mitchell KJ588
- Mitchell FR379
- Mitchell KJ735
- Mitchell FW159
- Mitchell FR383
- Mitchell FR365
- Mitchell HD345
- Mosquito KA109
- Mosquito KB504
- Mosquito KB285
- Mosquito KB163
- Mosquito KB248
- Mosquito KB370
- Norseman 2481
- Norseman 3528
- Shark 524
- Stranraer 927
- Stranraer 916
- Stranraer 946
- Stranraer 935
- Supermarine Stranraer 951
- Ventura 2149
- Ventura 2144
- Ventura JT801
- Ventura FN973
- Ventura AJ173
- Ventura FP647
- Ventura 2118
- Ventura AJ450
- Ventura AE950
- Ventura AE942
- Ventura 2266
- Ship
- Amerika
- Borum, John
- Bray, Eric William
- Clarke, Russell
- Clarke, Donald
- Clipsham, Archibald
- Dean, Stanley
- Fife, Benjamin
- Gibson, Frank
- Harding, Clifford
- Healey, Henry
- Hetherington, John
- Jackson, Donald
- Jardine, Robert
- Johnson, Merle
- Keys, Frederick
- Kidd, Terence
- Lamont, Douglas Peter
- MacDonald, Ernest Mills
- MacDonald, Alan Stuart
- Martin, John Joseph Bernard
- McCloskey, Richard Scott
- Moore, James Edward
- Mosser, Robert William
- Mosser, Andrew
- O'Connell, Howard Ferguson
- Ollis, Reginald Keith
- Pearson, Arthur Henry
- Pidduck, George William
- Ritchie, Thomas James
- Rombough, John Noble
- Scott, William Alfred Dean
- Slack, Warren Oliver
- Thompson, Edward Blake
- Tyler, Richard 'John'
- Warren, Joseph Howard
- Woods, Kenneth Beverley
- RCAF Marine Section BC Star
- Davies, Garnett Arthur
- Drouillard, Roy
- Glover, Charles Gordon
- Hearfield, Jack Douglas
- MacNeill, William Murray
- McFadyen, Gilbert Campbell
- Mitchell, William Ernest
- Oakenfold, Harold Frederick
- Olsen, Philip
- Onuski, Maurice Daniel
- Polec, Tadeusz Ludwig
- Sherlock, Clarence James
- Slater, Jonathan Charles
- Stead, George Thornton
- Vollhoffer, Titus
- Ferry SS Caribou
- Barrett, John Hamilton
- Chatson, Raymond
- Coulson, Fred George
- Glover, Donald Cameron
- Howse, William Palmer
- Jones, Archie Walker
- Legge, Lionel Edgar
- McCarron, Charles Michael
- Mitchell, Dow Lester
- Oiring, Morris Nathan
- Parker, George William
- Thistle, Edward Allan
- Walker, Edward George Charles
- Watson, Raymond
- Wilson, William Bruce
- Merchant Marine SS Vancouver Island
- Merchant Marine Yngaren